Trout Research Associates
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Research Associates
Gary Corbett ( top right ) was a Fish & Wildlife Biologist with Parks Canada for over 30 years. He retired in April of 2007. During his career he worked for the 7 national parks in Atlantic Canada on a variety of mammal, bird, reptile and fish species. His interest in trout has always been constant since he was a young boy. He lives in Greenfield, Nova Scotia with his wife Karen.

Reg Baird ( at left in photo at right ) is a field technician with over 40 years of experience studying trout and over 65 years experience as a fly fisherman. He is also a guide, a certified fly fishing instructor, author, magazine field editor and a volunteer researcher in Kejimkujik NP and NHS in southwestern Nova Scotia. He lives with his wife Barbara in Clementsvale, Nova Scotia.

Barbara Baird ( at right in photo at right ) is a field assistant with decades of outdoor experience and assisting in field research particularly with trout.

Doug Potter ( bottom ) has thousands of hours experience as an airplane pilot and over 100 hours monitoring radio-tagged trout from the air in his floatplane. Doug has accomplished most of this monitoring solo with his cockpit communications system. 

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